Getting Scripture Texts
the Bible Study Tools web site
last revised: 9/26/04
Step One:
Click on the hyperlink:

This will take you to the web site,
where the translations are located.

Note carefully in the picture to the left
the Search the Bible field. Below it are
located the Search for:, in:, using: fields,
indicating which word or passage you 
desire to check (Search for:), in which 
part of the Bible you want to check (in:), 
using which translation (using:). 
Once this information is entered, 
then you click on the Find button,
below the using: field.

Step Two:

The four required translations for the Analysis
Paper assignment are:
(1) New American Standard (NASB);
(2) Revised Standard Version (RSV);
(3) New Living Translation (NLT;
(4) Good News Translation (TEV).

All four can be found by clicking on the down
arrow on the right side of the using: field. This
will bring up the display that you see in the
picture to the right side of your screen.
These are in the ---Standard Translations---

Choose one of these translations by clicking
on it with your left mouse button.

Go then to step three below.

Step Three:

First, type in the scripture book and chapter 
number (only) for your passage. The example
to the right assumes Mal. 3:13-4:3 passage.

Then, click on the Find button. 

This will create the display as you see in the
example. Now just copy (Ctl key + C key) the 
desired verses into your computer clipboard.

Return to the MS Word file for the assignment
and paste it into the correct table cell (ctl key +
V key).

Do any needed clean up work, such as 
deleting the footnotes (F41) and reference (R78
notes that may be contained in the translation.

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